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  • Malik Kolade & Gbolagade Sunday

One of such questions many students of the institution ask themselves is “does the institution restrict movement of students at night? How does the school environment go into a silent state just at the inception of the night?”

There has always been fear that comes with walking at night on campus. This fear has, in most cases, been instilled through the tensed atmosphere created a few months back. Conversely, this fear that has been abdicated by the management’s swift response in attending to the security challenges shouldn’t birth the reason why students restrict movement at night again. But why does this still persist?

September 16, 2019, twelve days after the PRESS COUNCIL publication of “LET THEIR BE LIGHT AND THERE SHALL BE LIGHT,” the publication relating the needs for light around the Middle belt axis, starting from the Sewage area up to the Mechatronics Complex. This place, as earlier documented in the article, seems to be a nonresidential part of the institution, and thus may not significantly be in need of streetlights, as the axis may not be a house to many residential students.

Furthermore, as earlier investigated, this axis has solar powered streetlights which are placed at strategic locations. These solar powered streetlights, from the report obtained from the students, are quite far from the pathways which they take, and in most times of their walk along this axis, they don’t tend to benefit the illumination from these streetlights.

Also, further investigation showed that there are streetlights which are erected along the road from Sewage to Mechatronics Complex but are possibly not in a working condition or only come up when the Electricity Distribution Company distributes power supply. Unlike the North and South campus, whose streetlights get powered at night by the respective generators serving the students in the region.

Adebiyi, one of the students whom was returning from fellowship at Sewage said, “There are times when after fellowship we would wait for the shuttles but to no avail. Also we would consider walking to our respective destinations but would be afraid because the streetlights are not powered, and we wouldn’t want to walk in the dark.”

“In my opinion, as a student, I would say the management should use the generators from any of these regions, either South or North, to power these streetlights, as some students either returning from one campus programme or the other still walk this path at night.” Simisoluwa, who was also stranded at Music waiting for a shuttle told PRESS COUNCIL.

Sir, what are the plans of the management of Polyibadan towards bringing light so that it’ll prevent evil handout? Sequel to the earlier publication made by PRESS COUNCIL, this question was asked by a student in the just concluded 2018/2019 Counselling Seminar, and while being answered by Alh. Soladoye, the P.R.O. of the institution, he said the institution will find something to it as soon as possible.

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