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  • Adeyinka ademola

In a bid to avoid casualties, and ensure protection of students on campus, the Management of The Polytechnic, Ibadan on 22nd November 2019 released an internal memorandum stating the embargo on signing-off activities by the finalist (HND/ND 2) students.

In the memorandum released from the office of Deputy registrar ( Students’ affairs ) contained that “Management has observed with dismay, the attitude of some finalist students in the act of signing off after the completion of examination.”

“Students are reminded that this signing off is not in the student’s handbook which is the rule guiding student’s conducts activities”.

“Students are strictly warned to desist from signing off activities and any student caught henceforth on such will be sanctioned”.

However , Students are hereby advised to vacate the premises of the institution immediately after their examination and in any case not later than 24hours after their last examination paper, and also to desist from any illegal activities as Management will not condone any act of indiscipline on the school premises.

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