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By: Ogunwale Matthew

Examination malpractice has spread viral in Nigeria, this malaise continue degrading the quality of the education system in Nigeria. The situation has become a blocking stone, and diminishing the performance of our students both socially and academically.
Education is the master of all development, it will be excellent if we follow the laid down procedures and whenever something goes wrong, it will yield to the result that is not good enough. Obviously, this makes Nigeria to be left behind in times of national development because every sector is full of corrupt practices.

I’m not so pleased with the situation as our authorities fold their hands and refuse to take a proper measures on this critical issue. Virtually, this examination malpractice has been the currency for all our levels of education which the Higher institution is not left out. This act malpractice, we could say it was well develop in the secondary schools before it continues in the higher institution. During an external examination in secondary, we will see mostly teachers help the students with answers by copying it on the board or even dictate it or also prepare worked answers for the students. (Miracle Centred).

The most annoying part is the miracles centres that is been introduced to those student who can’t even read and write and they get 9 A’s, while those who can’t write a special centres still provide money for the centres to provide them answers. The pathetic part is that examination authorities and its agencies are aware of such act but nothing has been done yet to curb the menace.

Moreover, this act of laziness keep on progressing after they have maneuver to gain admission into the higher institution. This act of laziness is one of the remote causes of examination malpractice in Nigerian schools. Nowdays, student find it difficult to study their books again, there’s is lack of enthusiasm in students when who are less prepared surpass the exam scores. The act of honesty in the exam hall is a major clog in the wheel of the educational system in Nigeria.

Maduemezia (2003) reported that the first examination malpractice in Nigeria occurred in 1914 during the senior Cambridge local examination papers which were leaked before the scheduled date of examination. However examination malpractice became more advance sophisticated now. In the higher institution students carry textbooks, use modern gadgets to cheat like Digital Wristwatch and also write in a small paper, which is popular known as small chip.

Let go back to the roots, there are apparent pointers to this facts that parent, school authorities, lecturers, investigators, examination officers and the external supervisors collaborate to allow the examination officers and the external supervisors to allow the examination malpractices in the exam hall.

Continually, there must be an adequate change in all the levels of educational institutions to promote hard work and the commitment to duties. The government an the school management should constantly organize seminars and workshops to educate the students, lecturers parents and even the consequences of examination.

In conclusion, the government should praise an hardworking student that doesn’t involved in exam malpractice and also they should combat the social vice in the country for it not to live long to effect it desires.

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