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Ogunyemi Akinbusayo

This is one question that seems not to attain an end of concrete response due to many uncertainties surrounding the circumstances and situations. It is no news that physical abuse has become the order of the day among married couples and intending ones. Those whose oblivion nature draws from reality and the red flags have since become a discussion among the elites and illiterates as it is a situation with no exception to race, culture, or status.

Oftentimes, when issues of this nature hit the social media space, it leaves everyone talking about it and most often falls under trending issues on all communication mediums when it ensued. The question of who instigated the occurrence is a major argument that seems not to get a concluding resolution.
Critically examining this issue, it is very imperative to know that physical abuse from men is a response to accumulated emotional abuse from women. By nature, some men are calm and reserved and when such men find themselves in a marriage with loquacious and demanding women they seem to have a problem of understanding, especially in cases where such women’s demands and requests appear unrealistic. So, when such demands are not met, it results to emotional abuse from these categories of women.

To this end, it will not be farfetched to believe that some persons may want to consider me an advocate of physical abuse but then it’s important not to look at this issue with a myopic view as it tends to put one in a sentimental position.
Personally, I consider men who physically abuse a woman’s animal without being apologetic about my stand. There are many ways to curb excesses from women without resulting in assault or physically abusing such women. Permit me to ask again, WHO INSTIGATES PHYSICAL ABUSE?

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