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By: Ajayi Toyyib

The SUG assure the concerned students that their affected examination will commence soon.

The Student Union Government of The Polytechnic, Ibadan has show their intimate concern on how the actions of the Non-academic Staff Union (NASU) of the institution on 11th of January, 2021 has severely affected the commencement of exams for the concerned HND1 and ND 2 students (FFMS, FENG, FES).

The SUG of this institution thereby stated in their self-eulogising release on the 17th of January, 2021 that despite the fact that NASU is yet to call off their strike, the concerned students should be rest assured that they will commence their exams on Tuesday, 19th of January,2021. And showing their sympathetic concern that time is running.

This release of the Students’ Union thereby encourage students to study hard as against their examinations now slated to begin on Tuesday to avoid jeopardizing their academics due to the strike action that has affected it.

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