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Students in front of the Olori Hall of Residence.

By: Docki & Professor X

Despite being 40 days of resumption, the students of the Polytechnic, Ibadan lay no claim to an accommodation for the students to lay their head.
Do we say our management are losing their credibility in the process of administration or a way to punish the student after the series of trouble been caused in the school late last year.

Student are told to resume school, start lectures, begin registration yet no place to lay their head after hectic days in class.

Provokingly, the Students’ Union released a note of self-appraisal themed 50 days in office. The content of the publication? “All issues have been resolved, be thankful to us.”
It’s worth note that most of their inauguration promise was “Students’ welfare is a priority.” But with the state of things, one would wonder if that’s just farce, If they don’t look out for the students welfare in which they swear an oath then they should be questioned.

A deserted Unity Hall of Residence.

Why would the SUG publish an insensitive, vague message stating that all issues have been resolved, still the hostels still remain in lockdown. Apparently, renovations are been carried out in all hostels, that still doesn’t explain why students can’t print out receipt for hostel allocation. The new update is payment has commenced for the cleared freshers’ However, but no receipt to be printed out despite the payment of such a huge sum of money. Now the question is, we are been told of the renovation of the hostel and how they have fought for the students all round, both against the state government and against the school management: but the answer we need is ‘When will the Hostel be opened?’ something they keep hiding from everyone.
I still wonder how the SUG would plan for a Valentine’s Day Talent show when students can’t even boast of cheap accommodation. Pathetic!
I ask, should the student start going outside to get an apartment.

Command Feedback after payment
A student allocated to Orisun Hall of Residence.

With the observations of things, five student are now squatting in a room meant for one. This is nothing to write home about, it’s hazardous to the health for starters; this is negating the psychological effects it can cause.
The students have been calm and gentle in the past weeks, enduring what they never planned for. The question now is when will the hostel be opened?

More to follow …

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