- By Gbolagade S.
It has been observed that over the years, The Polytechnic, Ibadan which is a well-known institution in Nigeria still struggles with construction and maintenance of hygienic public toilet. However, it is disheartening to state that on since the inception of the campus and till now, students still defecate in bushes and as well urinate behind classes because of lack of public toilets. It is not just that students do not receive lectures in conducive classrooms, they are also suffering from well-constructed public toilets while those in the offices do not just have air conditioners in their offices but also, water closets.
It is unfortunate that students defecate in ill-formed toilets which are detriment to the health. However, there are numerous infections that are contracted by this poor sanitation amongst which are, influenza, shigalla, bacteria. It has been observed that some institutions pay attention to building infrastructures such as offices, halls and reserve centres but little or no attention is given to building proper toilets. It is therefore imperative to state that no matter how beautiful a building is, if the toilet is dirty, the building is lacking.
Therefore, to curb this endemic situation, the owners, landlords, relevant agencies, and all hands involved (parents, management, etc.) must see that hygienic toilets are accessible. Also government officials must be empowered to inspect general cleanliness of the environment and punish anybody found guilty.
More so, The Polytechnic, Ibadan and her environs as an example, toilet must be given adequate attention with frequent water supply. Besides, users of these facilities must observe toilet etiquettes such as flushing after use and use of disinfectants coupled with washing of hands with soap and water after usage.
In conclusion, hygienic toilet and safety are like a dye put in water that cannot be separated. Access to basic sanitation and good hygiene is a HUMAN RIGHT which everyone deserves. So stay healthy.
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