By: Mariam Adeola
The denotative meaning of moral preaches “right way of behaving” in society. It is worthy to note that several factors stemming out from globalization and civilization conceive and birth immoralities where indigenous cultures and values are now seen as old an fashioned lifestyle. Our youth live comfortably in immoral just because they want to change as society changes.
Before modernization, what we have was customs, traditions, religious doctrines regulating the way and manner of behaving in society, without exaggeration, life at then was better than what exists at present. Now we are in a generation that no longer sees virginity as pride, a generation with cohabitation and irresponsible intimacy is a sign of maturity etc. Where is our societal integrity? Rather than for us to embrace this, our society keeps sinking in the mud of moral decadence where it seems our society has no hope to change.

The dynamic nature of a society is controlled by the inhabitants of such society which means the change in our society lies in the hand of you and me. Everything you do either secretly or openly tells more in the society and as well as your background of upbring. In this present century, what exists has polluted the air yet to breathe in by “leaders of tomorrow” that are yet to be born as the same was done to the leader of today. Where should we go from here? Since our culture was seen to be barbaric, primitive and cannibalistic which has no significant root of development, what is the way forward?.
Technological evolution is an important food for thought in this writing. Are we misled by those who introduce modernization ? Notably, Technology breeds effective communication skills, it broadens advocacy and networking sense, exposure of the sight to what is unknown in the past etc. But through the advent of technology, Several negative act and attitude are legalized and introduced, the legalisation mentioned here is concerning the policy the government used in regulating the origin of some immoralities, for example, Pornography company.

According to research, In February 2010, the rate of how people make themselves available on pornography website is high in terms of hours by 28percent then but as of present, it increases to 72percent. In this statistical analysis, 50 percent were youth and the objective of the company is well known to them, the harm the pornography company does is enormous than it is good, For example, psychologist made it known that 1hour, 38minute with pornography videos create a state of mind that is addicted to it in practice.
Pornography breeds masturbation which is rampant in our society today and the need to regulate the use of the internet especially among the youth arise, which should be the responsibility of the parent and government. It Is the responsibilities of the parent to educate their ward on the harm the internet does, when a ward is at the early age of twelve, the parent should educate and orientate them on sex specifically, premarital sex and this will at least help to reduce the rate of immoralities in our society
The majority of youths get exposed to these immoral activities on the internet just because they are not properly educated by their parent, the root of socialization, which needs to be considered first, and for the government, the number of pornographic videos, sensual advertisement, obscene fashion shows and music that spread across boundaries unregulated needs policy that will strictly regulate it. By failing in doing this, since they licenced their operations already century upon century, immortality became something rampant among youth, For example, Ladies put on some dresses that expose their cleavages all In name of feeling among and following the trend. indecent dressing keeps on increasing among genders occupying the society at large, for example, the male getting themselves crazy jeans, dyeing of their hair in different colours etc. All of these activities are part of the main reason why our society at large is suffering because those called leaders of today no longer face the major in the society but rather the minor that destroys the entire economy.
Sexual erotic behaviour or law guiding courtship and marriage in the olden days are seen to be primitive, even virginity which was the pride of a lady and her family in the past. Hence, what is considered as bondage at present and both male and female engaged in premarital sex that is liable to lead to unwanted pregnancy (overpopulation) amidst of the uncirculated economic resources.
Therefore, parents of the upcoming generation should not make the mistake of placing their child at a high level of exposure, that is, at the early age of your child, you make them feel they are matured enough to decide their steps, which is Not really, they still need your guide as a parent in all ways. The change needs to start from our family, when your child is at the infant stage, inculcate good values in them that will make them an asset and not a liability to society.