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By Hamzat Ameenat & Gbolagade Sunday

“My husband has been consistent, better suitor and a guardian to the whole house. Although the negative impacts are enormous as it has hindered so many plans and actions but due to the lockdown, he has been able to come home regularly, becoming a better companion to the children and he never stays late outside. Due to the nature of his job as a driver, he goes very early and comes back in the late and dark hours of the night. Also, the children are opportune to be familiar, closer and rub minds with their father peacefully and harmoniously.” this was the comment of Mrs I’ve Victoria a resident of Akure, Ondo State

It is no gainsaying that the whole world is in a state of panic and unrest because of the recent outbreak of severe disease, Corona Virus(Covid-19). This disease was first discovered in China, Wuhan city food market. The disease had spread globally and has caused up to more than 10,000 deaths around the globe. Despite the malaise posed as a result of the maladies, can we attribute any melodramatic and comic moment in the current situation.

Etymologically, this disease was first been in existence since the beginning of the 21st century but was only prominent in the animal world. This virus is zoonotic presupposing diseases that can be spread from animals to humans. Ridiculously, Chinese are fond of eating animals like bats, live rats, pangolins etc hence the virus was an upsurge detected in bats and other animals which the Chinese consume a lot. Countries all over have been working hard to secure the life of their Citizens, to save their country from this Corona pandemic. All schools, shops, offices, malls, mosques, churches etc have all be closed down to avoid further spread of the disease. Radios and televisions have been doing a good job lately, they have been passing vital information about the disease to the masses, enlightening them on the preventive measures and giving them the latest update about the disease. The planet Earth is getting congested and this congestion is resulting in lots of problems such as climatic issues, political and social issues around the world. Our world is getting to a stage whereby the atmosphere will not be conducive for us as a result of depletion of the ozone layer due to overpopulation.

As of May 2020, the world’s population by United Nations estimates WorldOmeter was estimated as 7.8 billion although research made us understand that highly populated countries has contributed to greater pollution of land, lakes, rivers and oceans. This overcrowding is also demanding for more agricultural land.

According to Malthusian theory which states that pandemics, epidemics and virus are natural ways of reducing the population of a particular country or nation. One of the reasons for underdevelopment is as a result of overpopulation. Therefore, the positive effect of COVID-19 is that it’s helping to reduce the world’s population and this will also foster further development in developed and developing countries.

Going down the memory lane, Viruses such as black death, Spanish flu, smallpox have taken some many lives in European countries but the effect of these viruses led to great development in those countries. The poor get to be catered for, famine and drought were brought to an end because the virus has reduced the population of the people, therefore, the amenities were able to reach the rest of the people in the country. We can say COVID-19 is a blessing In disguise.

More so, the pandemic has been able to allow countries to diversify in terms of their source of income. Nigeria as a case study, Nigeria only depends on crude oil as their main source of income but as a result of the virus, the dollar rate at the international market ins getting higher, countries are not importing goods resulting to less money in circulation in the country. The virus will enable the government to focus on other sections like agricultural products to be able to get funds.

Agricultural products at this time are grossly consumed more because the epidemic is spreading at a faster rate, people are trying to avoid being infected therefore each family is stocking their homes with as much food as possible and this is leading to a shortage of food in infected countries. If the government can go into agricultural fully, they will realize lots of money in the export of farm products. Although more perishable goods will be spoilt but goods that are necessary should be proportionately cultivated so as prevent hunger in the country. This was culled from research done by (Shiva Kumar H D Rama University, India )

In addition, their is decline in the global market notwithstanding some Online businesses have thrived tremendously such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Netflix and other digital spaces has recorded more profits thereby lucrative during the pandemic. This is far fetched because the only alternative people has for entertainment and mode of transactions without conflicting with the rules of social distancing is to perform most of activities online. ( culed from April 13, 2020, issue of New York Magazine).

To the Students, the positive effects of the restrictions should transcend aftermath the period. It’s visioned that an enthusiastic and intelligent student would have acquire more skills mentally, digitally and other spheres so that such individual will be able to navigate in such occasions. Also, more insights, exposure, self realisation and greater impacts should be acknowledged as that will amount to a better experience throughout the period spent on the restrictions of coronavirus.

On the other hand, the positive effects on environment are navigated towards drastic reduction in elimination of wildlife and habitat, carbon emmisons, energy andwaste (United Nations for Conference Trade and Development)

However, international trade all in the name of corona will be for local products which in turn improves local patronage, domestic goods and public infrastructures.The fact that COVID -19 has positive unlacts doesn’t mean we should endanger our lives and the lives of our neighbours, we should make sure we spread credible, true, and reliable information on the preventives measure across to our friends and family.

We should also stop consuming ridiculous animals such as bats, rats and so on because we never can tell what’s diseases they carry and in order not to our lives at risk we should deviate from them to other healthy animals for consumption.
Avoid going to crowded places, cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, consume hots drinks like hot coffee, tea and so on and don’t forget to wash your hands frequently. Say No to Corona.

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